
February 25th, 2015 at 10:36 AM ^

Can't edit my post because WD responded to it, but I meant to add...

What do these kids think they've accomplished by getting said endorsement? Do they feel that because they now have CSG's approval that all will be well? Peace in the village? I just don't get these kids, their motivations, or their strategy.

It would be one thing if they made a video on YouTube, it got posted here as a hype video by a regular, and we were all like "oh, that's kind of cool...this would be cool to show at tailgates and whatnot...maybe it will be become a party staple". I mean, isn't that what they're basically going for anyway? They are just going through the completely wrong channels to promote this thing.


February 25th, 2015 at 2:04 PM ^

the fact that they have not even written a song is the only thing that really bugs me about this. Music should start a music campaign and then be marketed because it is good, and people enjoy it. Starting with marketing a product that doesn't even exist is really stupid. it doesn't take funding to write a song. maybe to produce one but not wrote one.


February 25th, 2015 at 10:24 AM ^

They aren't getting any funding, and the last thing they are trying to do is replace the Victors.  Let them go out and do it, and I will judge it when it comes out.  


February 25th, 2015 at 10:32 AM ^

your relevant counterarguement has now made me change my mind.  Seriously, I have more important things to care about than students using their own funds to try and do something that will never see the light of day inside Michigan Stadium.


February 25th, 2015 at 10:39 AM ^

This is a great point. It's not like they work for the AD. Now they are basically on their own trying to do something. Maybe they will actually come up with something cool (and maybe not!). But how is this different than the hundreds of people who make hype videos out there? No external funding or grants from the university. All they have is an 'endorsement' from the CSG, which, like...ok. What are they going to say? "No, we do not endorse you using your own money and means to do something that other people are already doing on the internet."


February 25th, 2015 at 1:09 PM ^

What are they going to say? "No, we do not endorse you using your own money and means to do something that other people are already doing on the internet."

No, they should say "Go do whatever the fuck you please, we don't care.  Just do not put our name on it and claim that you represent the University of Michigan and its fans, and then ask us to endorse it.  Now go away."


February 25th, 2015 at 11:38 AM ^

You're missing it... If they want to make something they can make it.... Forgive me, but I feel a rant coming on... Hopefully this will not result in my return trip to Bolivia.

If they want to make something they should make it.  Write a tune, sing a song, make up a line dance.  Carve and photograph a Block M ice sculpture in clever lighting, or create some bizzare piece of performance art commemorating the first time the band played Temptation.  I don't really care.  If it's good maybe it sticks.  The Victors did. But if they want to put their mark on M history then create it. Don't try to get some bullshit pre-approval for it.

I'm sick of this classless, talentless bunch of leeches who seem to believe the key to riches and popularity and power and a better resume is to be the "idea guys".  Don't create something.  That takes talent and risk and effort.  Instead let's meet and brainstorm and vote and capitalize (preferably with someone else's money).  Let's get with student congress!  They'll like it!  Let's make a video and post it on Youtube.  Not to show what we've done, but to preview what someone else will do.  Let's start a Facebook page, a Twitter account, PInterest all the Hail and Unite references!.

These my friends are our future left wing trial lawyers assembling groups of mesothelioma victims and right wing investment bankers who make your trade a few split seconds after your approval if it allows them to skim $0.0025/share.  Just suck a little off the top for one's self.  Suck from enough sources and "look mom! I'm a playa!"  Creation of something, a book, an army, a football team, a song, bottle of beer, a car, a flight into space, is for the suckers in life.   The Hail and Unite team will anthologize the book, argue about the war, sue the carmaker, and market the spaceflight.  All for the benefit of one greater good - themselves.  These are not Michigan Men.  These are our opposites.

Fuck them.



February 25th, 2015 at 11:39 AM ^

Now that they aren't asking specifically for funds that could be used in any other better way, I don't really care what they do from here on out.  

I read "endorsed" as just meaning that the student government is giving them the green light to waste as much of their own time and money on this thing, that will likely never be heard at any sort of official university event, as they want.

To me, this sort of says that this stupid crusade will only get as far as the personal time and resources these people want to invest in it will take it.  if they crowd source a ton of money somehow and it turns out to be good, not really a problem... if they do that and it's bad as expected, then the idea was as dumb as we think it is.