Hail And Unite rebranding and on the PR offensive

Submitted by Leaders And Best on

The Hail and Unite team has started a PR Twitter account and going on the the PR offensive. They have rebranded it as a pump-up/hype song not intended to replace "The Victors," and they plan to reintroduce the song proposal to CSG next week.

I don't want to be too hard or bash these guys, but they really need to let this idea die. And if they do feel so strongly about it, they should just come up with it on their own in collaboration with other students, and if the song is good enough, it will catch on organically. Going to CSG for funding for an official project and paying someone who doesn't care at all about Michigan is the wrong way to go about this.



Doc Brown

February 12th, 2015 at 9:09 PM ^

and the Ross business major who brought up this "glorious" idea is in stage 2 of his Dave Brandon simulation, massive PR blitz!!! Creating a new michigan fight song is a real life Kobayashi Maru. It is impossible. It just teaches the moron who attempts it humilty for tradition that is organic, not corporate.

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February 12th, 2015 at 9:10 PM ^

the B-School kids have the reputation they do. I knoww plenty of nice guys and girls that graduated from Ross but I don't think these guys would fit that category.

Hardware Sushi

February 12th, 2015 at 9:22 PM ^

This is what you namby pambys who told Brian he was too harsh on this kid have wrought.

This is your fault now, too.

I hope Brian is metaphorically throat punching and kicking his way onto the Internet version of Weiss' sheik yacht and putting an internet fisk bullet between the eyes of this proposal.


February 12th, 2015 at 9:22 PM ^

I suspect self-promotion (on the part of the tools pushing this) is important here. I can imagine them putting this "initiative" on a CV.


February 12th, 2015 at 11:08 PM ^

I think this is my issue with their attempt to "re-brand" and clarify for everyone that their intent is not to replace The Victors. It's a complete strawman because nobody (okay, maybe very, very few) actually misunderstood that their mission was to create a pump-up song to be used by the University side-by-side with The Victors. As far as I could discern, the strong opposition to the idea was not one of "Oh no, we can't replace The Victors!"

Rather, the hostile reaction was almost entirely to their idea that Michigan needs to spend students' money on another manufactured pump-up song featuring B-list celebrities with zero affiliation to the University in order to further these kids' unshakable desire to leave their mark on the school and put a line on their resume. While their PR pitch is that they wish to create "an independently used pump-up song that is organically Michigan, rather than a generic tune that could be heard in any stadium", this is truly hard to believe because nothing about this song is organically Michigan (other than the financial backing). Even if it were, we already have a Michigan-specific pump-up song just like this and it's absolutely terrible.

Their PR strategy appears to have been to go out to various members of the media to generate the narrative that Michigan students, alumni, and fans simply didn't really understand what they wanted to do.

But the problem is that we actually do. And we hate everything about it.

STW P. Brabbs

February 12th, 2015 at 10:13 PM ^

I disagree with absolutely every expression of condemnation for any action taken against Mr. Weiss. I've seen that website. This person is a force for evil in this world. Hopefully it will remain smalltime, self-produced rap videos financed by mom and dad evil. Douchebag Evil. But this is America, and that kind of evil, with enough energy and narcissisn behind it (esp. in combination with mom and dad's financial backing), can take one very far indeed. I cannot stress this seriously enough. Unleash hell, and do so with an unblemished conscience.

Mr. Owl

February 12th, 2015 at 11:33 PM ^

This song idea is about as good an idea as freshening up the team colors & coming up with a new logo for the helmets.  Maybe they think the name "Wolverines" needs to be updated too to bring it up to 2015!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Michigan has so many things that don't need someone to add their stamp on it.


February 12th, 2015 at 11:47 PM ^

So Wednesday news breaks that some insanely spoiled kid (sorry - if you have 20K per performance artists playing at your fucking birthday party you're spoiled) with more of daddy's money than his brains gets the dumb-ass idea to requisition people to write a new "totally unique" song to play alongside The Victors.

Brian reacts exactly correctly and threatens to unleash Hell on this idiot but the concern trolls get very concerned (oh won't some someone think of the children.....) and express their concern over the potential damage to the precious 19 year old's ego that Brian's  unfriendly and non-encouraging words might cause.

So, fucking predictably, this dumb-ass is moving forward.  This is parenting 101 kids - if children face no negative consequences from poor decisions they will continue making poor decisions. 

I liked angry Rath of God Brian better.   

snarling wolverine

February 13th, 2015 at 12:30 AM ^

The guy says words like "grassroots movement" and "organic" but I'm not sure he actually understands what they mean.  They don't usually refer to spending a bunch of money to get a professional artist to write/record a song for your school.



February 13th, 2015 at 12:15 PM ^

"This creation is simply meant to be an independently used pump-up song that is organically Michigan, rather than a generic tune that could be heard in any stadium."


This is what these idiots say on their website. As thought the best way to avoid a generic tune and make it happen organically is a crowd-funded effort of pulling in random musicians with little or no ties to Michigan to craft a "pump-up" song.


I'm really hoping this is just a big prank on all of us.