
August 12th, 2013 at 4:45 PM ^

Numerically speaking, it seems like that might be true. In their Scout 300 rankings for 2014 right now, 27 our of 300 have five-star status. In 2013, it was 42 and in 2012, 50 recruits in the final rankings. That would be 119 out of 900 or about 13%. Small sample, but it seems pretty generous when you consider that Rivals - at least by conference (I published two diaries here about this but did the same study for all the power conferences) - puts five-stars in the 2%-5% range. I did that particular study over 12 classes. 

Haywood Jablomy

August 13th, 2013 at 11:43 AM ^

I believe this site has too many persnickety people who compensate for short comings in other ares through thier "points" and by down voting others. Is it ossicle that someone may have missed a previous post and appreciate the "new" information? Fucking ridiculous with your down votes, critique of headings, spelling, grammar and debates on "OT". LivingInOhioSucks-- get a life AND if you down vote someone keep your balls and don't apologize for it. Jeeesh. Ahhhh, I feel much better now.