FUCK 2013!!!! [Drinks and posbanging found here]

Submitted by Canadian on

The money spent on the trip to Florida for the outback bowl... The money spent on the GLI... The money I lost on basketball team... Fuck everything. Hell even lost money when betting against Michigan... Just not working out for me. Here's to 2014... Hopefully it's a good one!!

Mod edit: The people have spoken. Go forth and posbang. And toss a few back. JGB.


December 28th, 2013 at 7:56 PM ^

My sister died of a heroin overdose (she was 32) and my grandpa was in the hospital for three months/had a leg amputation. 


Deuces, 2013. 


December 28th, 2013 at 8:06 PM ^

They start with vicodins, then move to percs, then oxy's then it's less expensive to move to heroin.

I'm sorry for all of the families dealing with this. To add to the "fuckfest" I'll throw in a fuck opiats and fuck pill mills and fuck drug companies.


December 28th, 2013 at 8:19 PM ^

That's terrible. My condolences at your loss. I know so many people who have struggled with drugs and alcohol, some who overcome, but many who don't. I also know of too many who have had amputations caused by diabetes and bad circulation. Again, my sympathy. Things like this put life into perspective (compared to following Michigan sports.)

ND Sux

December 28th, 2013 at 9:29 PM ^

why on earth would we want a bordering country that is a valued trade partner, a solid ally, and a relationship so civil that you can cross the border with ease? 

I'm guessing you're joking, but hatred for Canada is kinda douchey yo.