El Jeffe

December 31st, 2010 at 11:35 AM ^

The rootability factor on this team just keeps on climbing. If one of our players doesn't sell his autograph for a tat soon it'll reach unprecedented levels.


December 31st, 2010 at 1:01 PM ^

There were only two times I actually crossed paths with football players when I was at Mich: the first was in the whirlpool at the health clinic.  I'd pulled something in ballet class, and there I was on one side of the pool with these extremely large young men on the other.  I figured they had to be football players, and they stared at me with confusion, wondering how this strange tiny person was allowed to invade their territory. 

Bet Fitz is terrific at his other sport, and knows how to put them together.  Here's to seeing his best dance moves tomorrow on the field. 

And in the celebration afterwards.