Gucci Mane

August 4th, 2014 at 5:24 PM ^

Why are they wasting time stretching ? The team should all be forced to get to practice 15 mjnutes early to stretch, that way we don't miss a second of getting better to stretch !


August 4th, 2014 at 7:06 PM ^

I would absolutely despise Fall. I don't hunt, I don't care if the leaves on the trees are pretty, I hate leaves on the ground for obvious reasons but the one reason I hate leaves on the ground most of all is because it's too easy to lose a disc in them. But when that kickoff starts the season it makes all that go away. At the end of that game on the first Saturday of football season all I can think about is...........Next Saturday, Go Blue!!!    

We are soooo ready for the Maise and Blue to shock the world.    Hail


August 4th, 2014 at 9:29 PM ^

Looks like the mods quietly launched The Great Purge of 2014 overnight. Bask in the unbridled awesomeness that is Football unencumbered by trolls my friend.