Does the spring game bode well for the Mathlete?

Submitted by Ben Mathis-Lilley on

Just got around to reading the Mathlete's post on fourth-down decision making.  One thing that I was a little surprised didn't get brought up in the comments was how bad the punters looked in the spring game. If Hagerup disappoints or is injured, we might be looking at a situation where personnel inadvertently pushes RR toward a strategy that looks more like what the Mathlete endorses. There's a lot more "cover" for a coach to say he was going for it because of his savvy evaluation of personnel than there is for him to say he was going for it because of the dreaded basement nerd charts.


June 4th, 2010 at 11:07 PM ^

The mathlete would not crunch a spring game statistic with a 10 foot abacus.  It's great for the team that's there, but it's not even a full squad or 1O .vs. 1D.


June 5th, 2010 at 7:57 AM ^

I would guess due to the limited sample size of the spring game there would be too many outliers and data would be unreliable. But then again, WTF do I know, I have a history degree...