EZ Bud

January 18th, 2013 at 10:52 PM ^

I just watched the clip (again). My wife was next to me on the couch, and first said, "This video is longer than I thought it would be." After the first six or seven minutes elapsed, she asked, "Wait, are you going to cry?"


January 18th, 2013 at 11:00 PM ^

You have to be lying if you say that you will be sad to see this man leave Michigan. He meant so much to this program over the past 4 years. He left us with so many memories and is one of those truly special players that can electrify a crowd every single game.  He gave his best effort to be the best player and the best teammate he could be. Denard has a great head on his shoulders and I can't wait to see him at the next level. God bless you Denard and Go Blue.


January 19th, 2013 at 12:53 AM ^

made many  phenomenal plays- pure electricity at times

but...passing accuracy, interceptions, decisions,  wins , etc.... there are many players/qbs who are better

he will be missed next year - no one can replace those yards 


January 19th, 2013 at 1:00 AM ^

As much fun as it is watching the highlite, try re-watching it but just listen to it.  The announcers comments are absolute classics.  Makes you wonder if they sat up the night before rehearsing what they were going to say.  Few things stick out, You just became a legend, and just like that he's gone.  Thanks Denard!


January 19th, 2013 at 4:53 AM ^

I'm extremely excited to see Devin take over the starting QB job 100% next year and what that will mean for this offense and its chemistry with Borges's philosphies and techniques, but I'll still miss Denard.  If for nothing else than that first play against Western in 2009, the Notre Dame games in 2010 and '11 and breaking the loss streaks to Ohio State 2011 and Michigan State in 2012.

As a student at the University of Michigan I've been lucky/privilaged enough to cross paths with him a couple times and he was ab incredibly understated, kind, and humble individual who (seemingly) hasn't taken a single breath of his time in Ann Arbor (and perhapse life in general) for granted. I hope his expressions of grim seriousness at the end of the 2012 college football season turns out to be but momentary, and we'll see him find all the joy he's given us over the last four years in the NFL, or anywhere else he chooses to seek it.  Thanks for being (and continuingto be) a Michigan man Denard Robinson.  Thanks for going blue.


January 19th, 2013 at 10:38 AM ^

but the treacly, overwrought, trying too hard to jerk tears/Lifetime Channel/Gladiator-lite soundtrack ruined it for me. I'll watch Denard on Wolverine Historian instead, since he doesn't lard it up with unnecessary crap. Denard was great enough on his own.


January 19th, 2013 at 4:10 PM ^

My memories of Denard are bittersweet in that I think he is one of the best players in school history and I am saddened that he couldn't go out a Big 10 champion.  Hopefully Lewan does.