Davion Rogers status?

Submitted by modaddy21 on

Anyone know Davion Roger's status with the team, he is still going to school at UM and his updated fb profile pic is in his practice jersey and helmet.  I would post it if I knew how.


October 6th, 2010 at 7:50 PM ^

Facebook, another form of social control. I wonder what Foucault would write about the medium if he were still alive?

In reply to by JBE


October 6th, 2010 at 9:42 PM ^

I'm using Foucault to look at the reinforcement/destruction of hegemonic systems via computer-mediated communication. IOW I'm looking at how social media either destroys archaic power-structures or reinforces them... Preliminary results... reinforcement and big time. 


October 7th, 2010 at 7:56 AM ^

But a large portion of Social Media power is derived from the quality/popularity of content provided (I.E. - MGoBlog). It's much harder to marshal people to your service and your cause with no product to offer.

Archaic power structures were all based not in service provided, but in nepotism and a person's power base and ability to rule by force. Since the earliest times, kings and dictators came to be because they could kick your butt, not because they offered the best choice for government.

that said, I have no idea how Foucault plays into that, and it doesn't account for "fringe" power groups like /b/, which maintain a power base through attacks on others. But you can bet if the content on /b/ didn't appeal to the 13 year old script kiddie, it wouldn't last.


October 7th, 2010 at 3:29 PM ^

Right. I thought going into this project that maybe there was hope for change.However, the old power structures are just being reinforced through social media. And the outsider groups who want to disrupt these systems follow a path that is unfortunate:

1. They go viral and get followers preaching about begining outside the current power structure.

2. They get bigger and have to figure out how to manage their size so they

a. don't manage it at all and fold,

b. get bought out by one of the old dogs and in turn become what they were fighting against in the first place, or

c. follow the old dog model of heirarchy and become the old dogs anyway.


So basically, power structures are so embedded into our culture (and how we're enculturated from birth) that we cannot break out of these structures because we are not innovative enough to think of different ways to do things... Of course, I hope there are some exceptions.


October 7th, 2010 at 8:18 AM ^

I'm not surprised at all.

I'll give you a nice example. I was on the board for a metro-Detroit volunteer organization called Volunteer Impact. This group was formed in the '70s to basically get people who want to volunteer together with groups who needed volunteers. It was essentially an ad-hoc social network for volunteers.

Last year we closed our books and shut down shop, passing our major programs on to other organizations. Facebook and volunteermatch.org and United Way do 90 percent of what we did 1,000 times better.

This seems deconstructionist, right?

Except if you look at volunteerism in Detroit, it's got a hundred times as many participants today. If a church needs 25 volunteers, rather than call us and have us put it in the newsletter, they put it on their Facebook page, and they get 30 people. The only thing missing is the expertise on programming, but the individuals who have that expertise haven't gone anywhere -- everyone just went to different organizations: Summer in the City, Time to Help,

Anyway, the ladies who started this group in the '70s will tell you social networks ruined what they do. Well, yes, the phone tree is dead, but the mission has never been stronger.

Moe Greene

October 6th, 2010 at 8:11 PM ^

And the first Foucault reference on MGoBlog!

My, we are a literate band of brothers!

I suspect he would write about power and ANGAR.

Oh, and the fact that we should rush the passer.


October 6th, 2010 at 8:58 PM ^

...two other Foucault references on MGoBlog, both by Brian:

  1. A Correction And A Relocation: May 22, 2009 ... She is going to busy talking about Foucault and whatnot; I am going to be bored and possibly forbidden from doing any sort of daytime ...
  2. Carr Redux; Harbaugh Redux: Aug 31, 2010... more about how to succeed in the world by participating in a highly regimented athletics program than by writing a paper on Foucault. ...

Perhaps Foucault would write about how certain segments of the Michigan fanbase employ false historiographical assumptions in their understanding of the history of Michigan football that create a distrust and dislike of the outsider, one Rich Rodriguez who may be considered a usurper to their preferred power structure.