Baby Harbaugh up to 5lbs

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on

Best news all day! 


John officially hit the 5 pound mark today! Better today than yesterday! Better tomorrow than today!

— Coach Harbaugh (@CoachJim4UM) January 23, 2017


January 23rd, 2017 at 8:58 PM ^

they rhyme. I hate sand. Kidding aside, the making of/behind the scenes of Ep.1 is downright evil. I'm not even a huge SW fan but it's the document of how good things turn terrible. Nothing but bad ideas and "yes men" incapable of calling them out. Lucas seemed to be trying to ruin his legacy or indifferent to whether or not he did. He truly seemed like a student trying to finish a 3 month project the night before it's due.


January 24th, 2017 at 11:31 AM ^

Two small retcons that can make the prequels (episodes 1, 2 and 3) more tolerable.

1. Jar Jar Binks is secretly a very evil Sith creature. That is why despite his sheer obvious buffoonery he is still around the action and somehow in the know of all sorts of stuff and becomes a SENATOR (or a very deep dig at our political process).

2. We now know that Galen Erso was a major designer for the Imperial forces - basically designing the major part of the Death Star. I imagine in his role besides leaking out the weakness he also did what he could to introduce friction into everyday Imperial life - notice that there are few guard rails (those guys at the main weapon station are one step from certain death) and putting access points and control panels in the most inaccessible or awkward places (like the power link Obi Wan had to turn off in Episode 4 - why was that on the outside of ledge with no guard rail? Because Galen Erso put it that way). When challenged he would point out "Listen, I'm the chief designer and if we got rid of 90% of the guardrails in the Death Star, we would save 250,000 tons of metal - do you want to move this thing through hyperspace or not?" That is also why nearly all of the seats and chairs are hard metal and not cushioned ("gotta save weight, plus that stuff could burn and make smoke"). Basically he made Imperial ship life miserable.

So next time you wonder how the Empire could possibly lose with all of their ships, weapons and soldiers, remember that they are all miserable, suffer a lot of work place related injuries and lack good ergonomics - Thank You Galen Erso!