ANGRY MICHIGAN (Hockey, Basketball, Whatever) HATING SATAN

Submitted by burtcomma on
It is time that we recognized and understood who really is behind all this and has led far too many of you astray into blaming various deities and God. IT'S SATAN!!!!! I say that this has all been the sneaky and underhanded work of the Prince of Darkness, old Satan himself. Since Bo passed from earth to heaven just prior to the 2006 OSU game, Satan is no longer afraid of any current Michigan Men on Earth and thus has been messing with us mightily! This has allowed the Devil to sneak in and strike us down with all sorts of dastardly plans and injuries and referee screw-ups and what not. Obviosuly, Lucifer has cut a sweetheart deal and posesses the souls of Jim Tressel, Charlie Weiss, Tom Izzo, MSU, OSU, Miami's hockey coach (no doubt signed just after last year's NCAA finals collapse!), and a very large portion of the people who inhabit the dastardly state of Ohio!

Dark Blue

March 29th, 2010 at 7:29 PM ^

Alright I understand the rage, but how many threads is too many? EDIT: And the logic on this is terrible. If it is in fact Satan that hates Michigan, Then wouldn't that mean that God loved Michigan, as the two forces usually disagree? And if God loved Michigan then we would be great, as God (in most religions) is much more powerful than Satan. Just a thought.


March 29th, 2010 at 7:57 PM ^

The logic is that God is not an active participant in Michigan sports, but a spectator who created a world full of people with free will who can choose to follow Satan and trade Him their souls if they wish. He's awaiting all those who have obviously traded their soul's for the Devil's favors that have led to Michigan's recent ravails to repent! (Smile!)