Ambulance to track building

Submitted by mgolf4 on
Scary news at the track building - a really close friend of mine on the women's golf team was getting physical therapy at Schembechler Hall when another trainer came in to tell the trainer treating her that an athlete had collapsed in the track building. Her trainer rushed out and when my friend left there were two ambulances outside the track building. She thought they were referring to a football player but couldn't confirm. Hopefully it is something minor and the athlete is okay. More to follow as she updates me...


January 13th, 2010 at 11:54 AM ^

Not to bring levity to the situation, but am I the only one who saw this title and though, "Wait... wouldn't the building want to track the ambulances?" I thought it was going to be on a new tracking system for ambulances at UofM hospital.


January 13th, 2010 at 12:37 PM ^

I wonder how many times that happens in the course of a year that go unnoticed or unreported because the person turned out to be OK? Hope that's the case with this situation.


January 13th, 2010 at 3:21 PM ^

I have spoken with a coach and a trainer in the department and they said they heard it was a track and field coach that collapsed. Not sure of how it happened or his or her condition. I will update as I hear more - hopefully whoever it was is alright.